Egan 2024.06 - Top Performers

Last Tuesday's Egan Ride was quite a celestial adventure! The fearless riders took on the challenge across 13 segments, with Dirk leading the charge after returning from celestial retirement. Utilizing every sun ray available, the riders conquered the gravitational problem, although the B group had to skip Saddle Stirrup due to timing constraints (this is why Saddle Stirrup is excluded from the ride results). And congratulations to Christophe Testi for winning the 3 body contest!


Jen Tavé was rider of the day with 12 PRs, 9 top 10s and a QOM on Dezahara. For the men, top GC honors went to Matthew.

Top 10 for Saddle Stirrup:

1 - Jack Lund: 1:55
2 - Matthew .: 1:57
3 - Yann .: 1:58
4 - Soren Holm: 2:01
5 - Tanner DeVoe: 2:06
6 - Jen Tavé: 2:07
6 - Nick Fletcher: 2:07
6 - John Janetzko: 2:07
8 - Anthony Riley: 2:08
9 - Spencer Seay: 2:10
10 - Adam Bhavnani: 2:17

Note: If you’re wondering how to show up in the results, here’s how it works:

  • Upload your ride that evening (the results are tabulated early Wednesday mornings)

  • In your privacy controls, make sure that everyone can see your activities (if you’re worried about privacy, Strava has other settings such as restricting your profile page to followers and map start/end point visibility)

  • You have to complete all segments to show up in the GC

How to find us on the interweb:


The Egan’s 3 Body Problem by Christophe Testi


Egan 2024.07 - Olive My Favorites


Egan 2024.06 - The Egan’s 3 Body Problem